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Choosing Love

We all know the results of mass fear. In fact we have been living with it around us every day lately. But what would the result of mass love look and feel like?

Stop for a moment. Take a breath and imagine. What would a climate of mass love FEEL like?

In polar opposition to the routine greed and self centeredness that so much of our world runs on, a world running on the energy of love would feel relaxing, nurturing even, inspiring and incredibly exciting. Our challenge in embracing an entirely new paradigm of functioning together as a global community is to courageously face the restrictions in our own minds and step past the perceived differences, in order to see the similarities in what we all want and need…namely peace, freedom, harmony and love. The mind running on fear keeps us imprisoned in old ways of being: in conflict, in separateness, in smallness and in lack. Now is the time to invite great change into our hearts, our minds, our lives, and to step toward the next evolutionary cycle of humanity, a cycle that begins with a change in consciousness.

In order to do this we, like any people who have enacted great change, must employ vigilance, effort, courage and the willingness to withstand the chaos of moving from one operating system to another. We must overcome the habitual responses and fearful beliefs based in the survival programming of our collective subconscious and choose instead the power of self reflection that is ours through evolution. Moment by moment, thought by thought, choice by choice, day by day. We must stand strong during these tumultuous times, for if we succumb to the old ways of thinking and relating now, the quest for freedom will never be won.

What is this freedom? It is the freedom to know ourselves and our fellow humans as ONE. It is the freedom to know a collective, harmonious, peace filled world, based on the awareness  that conflict serves nothing (except the preservation of the already unhappy ego that falsely believes self protection is the only way to survive.) It is the freedom of knowing our truest safety lies in cooperation and mutual trust. As people of this ONE Earth, we must work as compatriots to see through the illusion of our separateness into the understanding of our oneness.

Evolution occurs as each one of us chooses one step toward unity consciousness, moment by moment, day by day. With one step toward love instead of fear, we contribute to the harmonious healing of our planet and of humankind.

What belief of separateness or conflict are you willing to release today?

What could you do or say today to promote peace?

What small change in the way you interact with others can you shift today toward unity consciousness?

Maybe it is time to eliminate concepts like ‘survival of the fittest’ or ‘the one with the most toys wins’, by opening our hearts and calling in the survival of the most loving. As you go through your day, reflect as to whether your choices are based on fear or on love. Let love be your guide. What could be accomplished through the power of mass love? Maybe soon we will find out.